A.A. Divorces

One of the problems with Alcoholics Anonymous is that it breaks up marriages and increases the divorce rate of its members.

A.A. literature says just the opposite, that divorces in A.A. are "rare", but that is a lie, pure and simple.

Permanent marriage breakups and separations, however, are unusual in A.A.
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, William G. Wilson, page 117.

The following letters tell a very different story.

  1. Psychology Today magazine reported that A.A. has a 25% divorce rate in the first year when one partner joins Alcoholics Anonymous. That is sky-high.

  2. "her sponsor forbid her from seeing me for thirty days... and at the end of the 30 days I was told by my now ex that I could never talk to her again".

  3. She said that she was so committed to AA, that she divorced her husband of 20+ years because he complained that AA was more important to her than he was. It was! I found this shocking and COMPLETELY SELFISH.

  4. The A.A. Big Book approves of divorce, in spit of denying it in a classic example of reversal of reality..

  5. In the Big Book, Bill Wilson even gave us good old boys instructions on how to cheat on our wives and get away with it.

  6. Telling a wife to divorce her alcoholic husband

  7. ...we are getting divorced, and I think it all comes down to her sponsor and AA indoctrination...

  8. More on how Bill Wilson approved of A.A. divorces.

  9. This discussion of the A.A. divorce rate.

  10. And this discussion of divorce statistics.

  11. It isn't just a matter of "somebody needs to change". It is also a matter of, "She isn't one of us. She won't go to Al-Anon and get with the program. She is dangerous to your sobriety. Dump her and get an A.A. girlfriend."

  12. I've switched to past tense because that's what my 30 year marriage is — past. Our divorce was finalized 09/26/10, and Al-Anon played a big part in destroying it. I find it quite ironic that, Al-Anon, a group dedicated to helping relationships & families, uses insidious and unethical ways to end them.

  13. A second letter from Nancy: Her Al-Anon-indoctrinated and -isolated husband wrote, before divorcing her: "I'm grateful for the freedom I have found to invest in prime relationships since limiting my exposure to my family and friends."

  14. My husband has changed, since his indoctrination into AA five years ago, into a person I truly don't know.

  15. Thanks AA for helping alcoholics have their marriages torn asunder

  16. I have been sober and clean for 25+ yrs. I had it made or I should say we had it made till my wife decided to get a sponsor.

  17. The Midtown Group encouraged a policeman's wife to cheat on her husband and to divorce him.

  18. Another relationship destroyed by N.A. Please be wary of the sexual, social cult.

  19. rehab romance destroys relationship

  20. a discussion of how treatment centers destroy relationships

  21. ...he's not only stopped drinking, he's stopped living.

  22. "Dump your spouse and marry the A.A. group, because A.A. is The Only Way."

  23. Well I met a girl in the program, we started dating, having a rather good time, till my sponsor, 11 yrs in the program, invited her over to his house, while I was working and seduced her, with this 'spiritual enlightenment', saying things like I was still sick, and I shouldn't be in a relationship.

  24. It is being strongly "suggested" that she cut all ties with me. Really? Even she can't make sense of this one. I can, because it smacks of 12 step indoctrination. Why would you cut someone out of your life you know you can count on?

  25. ...he's hardly at home when I get home from work he's gone, he eats dinner at his group because they take turns at taking dinner for eveyone, he said they told him it's ok if he doesn't eat with his family...

  26. ...after about a week they told her I was a trigger? Even though I don't smoke any sort of drugs and only drink socially. They then went as far as saying sex and even seeing me was a trigger and to leave me asap.

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Last updated 11 January 2015.
The most recent version of this file can be found at https://www.orange-papers.info/orange-divorce.html